Episode 05 Jamie Arena

For millennia, humans have been captivated by flight. Dreams of soaring high above the ground and “slipping the surly bonds of earth” are plentiful in the oldest stories and myths we know of. At the time the skies were a frontier left undiscovered and incapable of being discovered. Man would eventually conquest the ground. Perhaps that’s why we have always placed deities in the skies or even in the seas. These were the two earthly domains humans could not conquest. Thus, perhaps it is easy to reason the creatures that can survive in those domains are super-human, or god-like.

If you can’t tell, today’s episode talks about flight. We don’t get down into the older stories about flight. We certainly stay in the modern state and current events of flight. My guest is Jamie Arena. Jamie is a commercial airline pilot. He’s a humble, but confident man with a passion for the skies. Like many of my guests, their passions typically come from places they least expect. Jamie grew up with a father who was an accomplished aviator, but he desired something else. However, as the wild universe works, he found himself at the local FBO taking flying lessons; a necessary first step on his costly pursuit of certifications needed to become an airline pilot. Through that process he found a passion for aviation.

We bond over that passion.

Jamie is a great guy and we had a fun time talking about aviation. We did have some technical issues towards the end. I hope it isn’t too distracting. I appreciate your interest in this show. I think that interest with this show as well. Please welcome, Jamie Arena.


Episode 06 Shea Dobson


Episode 04: Allan Rowe